Saturday, 18 July 2009

What to Run?

Tomorrow is another no-show with Hair Dave off running a store in Altringham and thus unable to return in time for our D&D game. So, I am faced with the possibility of running an alternative game. There are several possibilities:

Rogue Trader I've had a hankering to run since I read the introductory adventure. We all know the system well and it looks like a solid adventure. The problem is I know Hair Dave wanted to be in on our test run.

My as yet unnamed RPG which I've been plugging away at in the background (and started to discuss here) although this is far from a playable system as yet.

FATE is another possibility, quick and easy with a kind of versatility that is instantly endearing, and of course the FATE point mechanic which appeals to the co-operative storyteller in me.

Finally we have Microlite74 with which we ran Stonehell and found it to be damn good fun. I've been homebrewing some rules to make it a little more fatal (and so the party can't just spam 'Sleep') and I think I could run it 'off the cuff' and just let hijinks ensue.

This of course assumes anyone wants to roleplay at all and wouldn't be happier just taking a week off from rolling dice and speaking in silly voices.

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