Monday 27 April 2009

No Session This Week

With Hair Dave off fighting at the Black Gate this week we decided not to plunge on without Katarakis and so myself and Amanda enjoyed a day entertaining small children and having the occasional pint of Becks. However since I'm trying to post something every monday I felt obliged to drag myself from bed and put something up here. For a week I've had nothing at all to write about but yesterday following a conversation between myself, Dave and Amanda I got all excited. The reason: I finally get to play a game!


Finally I get to play Vendreth the Barbarian (Vendreth; warrior without fear!) and spend some time cracking skulls and investing in more d12's. Amanda, my long sufferring girlfriend has been elected to run a session or two at some point (Probably after Giz's Fudge Bleach), this promises to be alot of fun since last night I got to watch her tear into my Monster Manual in search of all manner of nasty critters to unleash on our unsusupecting party.

This promises to be alot of fun, Amanda is really starting to get to grips with D&D and its been a pleasure to watch her Dwarf Warlord (Skurmesh Anklebiter) come into his own in the encounters we've fought; saving Du'nn'o from certain death, granting Katarakis all manner of nasty bonus attacks and just generally keeping the party in shape. I'm hoping that she can carry that enthusiasm into her DMing and just have fun with it.

Our party itself seems to be taking shape, aside from my Barbarian Mr. Dave is talking excitedly about an Avenger with a double-bladed sword who looks like Darth Maul and I feel certain Giz will arrive with something musical and leader-ish. That just leaves Rachel who we intend to corrupt into becoming a Defender of some flavour; I personally am voting for Warden.

Now I'm off to go do some planning for next week; here's your sneak peek: It starts with M and ends with -alboro.

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