Tuesday 28 April 2009

Sculpting and the Like

I can be classed as a fairly lazy DM, perhaps this is the reason why all the sessions of World Top have been ad libbed so far, but this week I am making an extra special effort, the kind of effort I've never made before.

I am making models for the game.

Now I'm no sculptor by any means and my first complete attempt that sits beside me as I write this looks decidedly amateurish, however there is something quite fun about using sculpty. It's like plasticine that you cook in the oven until hard and just using the stuff is cathartic. The model itself might be a bit rubbish but I like it despite that and hopefully my group won't mind fighting it on the night.

Amanda's attempt is on the other side of the room and is far better; she's much better at sculpting than she gives herself credit for and I reckon the party will take one look at her monster and head for the hills... Y'know, if they weren't already in the mountains.

I'll try and grab some pics on sunday so you can see the finished results.

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